That's how Nibela works


We have collected everything you need for your electricity in one app. You get the opportunity to control your electricity consumption, manage your monthly budget and see the electricity price for the coming week. Our revolutionary AI gives you insights, analysis and tips on how to reduce your electricity costs and plan your consumption for hours with cheap electricity.

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With Nibela you get:


Flexible electricity prices:

Our AI predicts the electricity price for a whole week ahead so you can plan your electricity consumption for the days and hours when electricity is cheapest.


 Smart Scheduling:

As an extension of the flexible electricity prices, you can schedule your electricity consumption directly in the app and set the consumption to turn on or off depending on the electricity price.


Customized consumption overview:

Our AI learns your routines and will provide suggestions and insights on how you can adapt your electricity consumption based on your conditions.

Hourly price is good - both for your wallet and sustainable electricity consumption

  • Unlike a traditional electricity contract, through our hourly price contract you get flexible electricity prices where you
    only pay for the hours when you actually use electricity. Nibela's hourly price agreement is based on a cost price based on the spot price at Nord Pool. With the help of our app, you can avoid using electricity during the hours when the spot price is at its highest and thus lower your electricity costs.


  • We do not make a profit on the electricity price. You get full control to manage your electricity consumption, manage your monthly budget and see the electricity price for the coming week.

Let Nibela streamline your electricity consumption so you can spend your energy on other things

Lower the charging cost of your electric car with up to 50%


We charge your electric car completely automatically when the spot price is at its lowest. By connecting your electric car to Nibela's app, you can lower your electricity costs for charging up to 50% without you even having to do anything.

Take control of your solar panels


Do you have solar cells or are you thinking about getting one? Nibela helps you collect everything in one app. You can see how much of the produced solar energy you use yourself and how much surplus you contribute back to the grid. You don't have to do anything, we take care of all the trading
electricity for you.

Maintain the same indoor climate at a lower cost


That a large part of the electricity consumption goes to heating your house is not news. Nibela helps you optimize your electricity consumption and lower your costs without compromising your comfort. with back to the net. You don't have to do anything, we handle all trading of electricity for you.