Here we have collected the most common questions we receive. Can't find an answer to your question? Submit your question via the form and we will get back to you as quickly as we can with an answer.
When you choose Nibela's electricity contract, the supplier change happens automatically, so you don't have to do anything. We take care of the entire process for you. If you have a remaining commitment period on your current electricity contract, we will wait until it has expired before making the switch. In this way, you avoid unnecessary termination fees from your current one
electricity company.
You can always switch to us even if you have a remaining commitment period on your current electricity contract. We do not terminate ongoing agreements, but only terminate them. When the binding period has expired, you will automatically switch to Nibela
In order to get electricity to your electrical outlets, you need to have an agreement both with an electricity supplier (such as Nibela) and with the network owner in your area. As a customer, you always pay two fees for your electricity: one to the electricity supplier for the amount of electricity you consume and one to the network owner to transport the electricity to your home. Sweden is divided into four network areas, each with a specific network owner. The network owner owns the electricity lines in your area and has exclusive rights to the electricity transport there. Your network fee with the network owner is constant regardless of which electricity supplier you choose, and which network owner you have depends on where you live.
Nibela offers a so-called hourly price agreement where you as a customer only pay the cost price for electricity and costs for electricity trading.
The cost price includes the parts that come in addition to the individual spot price that all electricity suppliers apply. IN
the cost price per kWh includes:
It depends on your electricity consumption and the electricity prices during the current period. We have seen that customers who actively monitor and adapt their electricity consumption have the opportunity to save the most money. Typically, homeowners have the greatest potential for savings because they generally use more electricity with our contract.
Yes, we buy electricity from the largest electricity exchange in the Nordics called Nord Pool. Here you will find a link
Our price guarantee means that you found a cheaper comparison price then we match it! The price guarantee applies under
the entire contract period and applies to all contracts.
You can find the terms and conditions here:
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